Whaddya know that iPhone is an excellent Network Admin Tools?

Posted by Anonymous On 7/04/2009 10:32:00 PM
My primary use of iPhone is to read my company emails, personal email address and other emails through Exchange Server 2003/2007 active sync and IMAP (here's my previous post, setting up email in iPhone). The games, music, surfing NET, etc. are just add-on for this cool gadget mobile phone.

Whaddya know that iPhone 3G S is an excellent Network Admin Tools (geeks Swiss Army Tool)? . I can't go out without iPhone dealing with my business. I read and respond to all customers inquiry wherever I am and ofcourse I can make the necessary network administration tasks while I'm out of the office.

I will introduce you two remote management tools to manage your Windows and Linux Server. I personally and highly recommend that you buy these tools.

For Windows Server Remote Desktop tool, I am currently using WinAdmin released by Carter Harrison LLC. Using this tool, I can easily connect to my windows servers and perform the necessary server administrations. As of this date, it is currently on sale for only $7.99 to download.

Well if you're managing Linux servers. I recommend TouchTerm SSH released by Aji LLC. I am using this tool to manage my dedicated linux servers. Very easy to use SSH tool to connect to your linux server. The best of all it will only cost you $0.99 to download.

I know there are some advance tools available in Apple Apps Store, there are so many of them and I can't test them all. If you are using different Network Admin tools and would like to share with us, please don't hesitate to post your comments or send me email so I can post it here.

Enjoy reading.

UPDATE: I email the support @iphonewinadmin.com regarding WinAdmin security encryption, because of admin privileges concern. Here's the answer direct from Carter.

"Hi Emil,

Thanks for your email. WinAdmin uses 128 bit encryption on the RDP layer. This is also known as 'high security' in windows Server 2003 or 2008. This is a standard encryption protocol for RDP and is currently the highest level of encryption available for an iPhone RDP client. I appreciate your article on WinAdmin and if you have any other questions, I'm here to help.

Thanks and Best Regards,

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