Outsource your Mail

Posted by Anonymous On 2/27/2008 12:42:00 AM
Have you consider outsourcing your email service instead of managing your own Exchange Server or POP server for yourself and/or your employees?

If you're a domainer and still using @hotmail.com or @yahoo.com or @aol.com and other free webmail, all I can say is SHAME ON YOU. Hey don't take it seriously, I'm just trying to shake your head and convince that you use one of your best domain to represent you in this business. I'm using @HARDWORKING.COM or @KING.NET email addresses, that represent me and my business. This also self promote my own business as I exchange emails to customers and old time friends.

Here's a video to find out more about google apps:

Enough said! Go to www.google.com/a/ to get your own email application. Using Google Apps doesn't end just using email, you can also use the Calendar, Word, Excel, PDF and other upcoming apps still being develop by google engineers.

Here are the benefits of outsourcing your email using Google Apps:

Sending your applications to parking services with free email address is one good reason to deny your application unless you really have some premium or keywords .com domain name. This is just one of the feedback that I received from other dissappointed customers. With your own @MyBusinessAddress.com email address you can submit your application with pride.

You can give your employees with their own email address and you don't have to worry of email management, software maintenance, software license and other related cost involve to manage email server.

I hope this article will you in some ways. Post your feedback or question related to this post. If you need me to execute this for you, I can do that for $200 per hour technical consulting service. Please don't hesitate to send me email to Emil @KING.NET.

Best regards,


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