DrComfort.com domain for Health related website

Posted by Anonymous On 4/08/2008 07:59:00 AM
I've already close a deal for DrPalmer.com domain name, congrats to the new owner. Moving forward, another health related domain name is available forsale ... DrComfort.com

Asking price is $6000 or best offer I can get.

This is a limited time offer only while DrComfort.com is not develop. We intend to develop our domain porfolio to increase value in online advertising and other form of marketing. This is your a chance to buy it today at fair market value.

Payment Terms: Bank Wire Transfer or Escrow (plus transaction fees).

If you have any question, please post your comment here or send email to EMIL @KING.NET with your complete name, contact information e.g. mobile, and I will get in touch with you asap.

Thank you.

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