When you first use a Remote Desktop to manage your Windows Server, the Terminal Services licenses  are not enforced because only the Administrator account and member of Administrator group can run a session at one time.

First you need to install additional component in your Windows server, that's the Terminal Server and Terminal Server Licensing.

How to do it?
Click on Start, Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs
In Add or Remove Programs, click on Add/Remove Windows Components.
Here, you can put check on Terminal Server and Terminal Server Licensing.
Click on Next, this will prompt you additional information.
Click on Next to proceed.
Choose a special access, your option is Full Security and Relaxed Security. 
Choose Full Security and click on Next to continue.
In Terminal Server Setup, you have the option to choose to the following:
  • Use these license servers; choose this option if you have existing Terminal Services License Server.
  • Use automatically discovered license server; choose this option to let your system scan your network.
  • I will specify a license server within 120 days; choose this option if you want to setup your license server later. I prefer to use this option to test if my installation is complete, then install or active the license server.
Next, choose the licensing mode on a Terminal Server as Per Device or Per User.
  • Per Device licensing mode
  • Per User licensing mode
Choose Per User licensing mode, click on Next

Specify the role of your server and the location of the license server database.
  • Your entire enterprise
  • Your domain or workgroup
Select Your domain or workgroup, click on Next.

Configuration starts ...

Click on Finish to complete the components installation. You need to restart the server before the new settings will take effect.

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